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Green Space


A Well



shipping container



















Welcome to our Green Space News Page! Here we will be keeping our community up to date on activities, fundraisers, and developments as we turn that lot into a public access green space full of wonder!


End of Summer 2018 Update:

What progress we have made! The fence is nearly done, our well is dug, the irrigation system is fully operational, the trees and shrubs are planted, the arches are up, we have a new garden shed, cedar fence and shipping container! Phew. Time to settle in for a long winters nap! Before we do, we are going to do some fall seeding on the lawn and do some buttoning up this week!


These warm spring days have us gearing up for some major projects in the green space. Last week, our trees (all 150 of them) arrived. They are resting comfortably in their temporary home. This week, our sprinkler system goes in. Over the course of the next month or so, we will be working on the fence, seeding the lawn, plating the trees and putting in a couple of small buildings. Stop by and say hi if you see us out there!


Just over 2 months later, we are done...ish with the back room. There are still some details to take care of but, for the most part, we are done! Just in time for spring! Come on in and see what we did! In other news, we are gearing up to start working on the green space again. The well permit has been approved and, as soon as that is in, we can plant grass and trees. While we wait on that , we will keep plugging away at the fence!

February interruption:

While we wait for warmer weather, we decided to take our energy indoors! Renovations have begun on the back room of the Polar Plant. We estimate 2-3 weeks for completion. Our plan is to move the retail art supplies into the new space. The side door will serve as our main entrance and there will be tons of space up front for studio activity, art parties and workshops! The coffee room will stay the same, wonderful, cozy space you know and love!


June Progress:

While not as productive as May, June was not without progress. We were able to get the majority of the posts planted in place. July looks to be busy and HOT! We will be doing some work off site this month.


May Progress:

After a sleepy winter in the green space, things really broke loose in May! With the help of great friends,neighbors and one husband - Max, Heath, Dana, Shawn, Dan and (last but not least) Dave - we were able to get our top soil loaded and hauled to it's proper place. Dave was able to eek some precious time out of a busy farming schedule to smear that dirt around a bit and drill some (35 to be exact) post holes. Phil Motte and Greg Payton volunteered to cut the steel pipe that had been delivered last fall by Uncle Gene Borcher. All the posts were very quickly cut to their precisely appropriate length and propped in their assigned holes (which were dug expertly by the way). Our next step is to get all those posts firmly planted in the ground. Then we can begin the process of weaving the fence! Stay tuned, it's going to be an exciting summer. Also, we ARE planning another USSJob! 

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440 West Park Street | Powell, Wyoming

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